Note on with a clothespin. "Hey have you registered for ADAGE 2024? Free Gifted Conference at UCF Feb 24"


This year, the conference is sponsored through Project GLIMPSE – a USDOE Jacob K Javits Grant with UCF in collaboration with The School District of Osceola County. In addition, UCF Gifted Education has teamed up with the Florida Gifted Network to offer a special strand that focuses on raising gifted children which is of special interest to parents, counselors and support personnel. Hear from gifted education professionals, teachers, graduate students, researchers and advocates in the field as we emerge into new paradigms and thinking in gifted education.

This year we have two special strands: Please choose ONE strand for registration:

· STRAND 1 to engage teachers in the uncovering the hidden potential of their students

· STRAND 2 with a focus on raising gifted children, hosted by the Florida Gifted Network